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Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Kevin de Regnier, DO
Short Description:
It is an exciting time in the treatment of Type II Diabetes Mellitus. We have never had more treatment options than we have today. But with over 11% of the adult population in the US having diabetes, the need for care of diabetic patients has never been greater. One of the many challenges in helping patients achieve control of their disease is determining which medication(s) are most likely to be effective. This session will describe the available non-insulin medications and provide some tips on medications selection. We will also discuss which medications may provide benefit beyond blood sugar control.
$40.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Joy Elliott
Short Description:
Literature and research updates are necessary for all practicing physicians in order to stay current among the vast amount of literature with which we are inundated daily. PubMed statistics state more than one million papers are cited each year into their database. How does a primary care physician pick and choose what evidence might be useful in their patient population? This lecture will be reminiscent of “reports from the field” from decades past, polling practicing family physicians for opinions using the question, “I changed my practice this year when I became aware of evidence that….”
$40.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Mark Rolfs, DO
Short Description:
Performance-enhancing drug (PED) use, including anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS), is widespread in the US. Most PED users are typically male, motivated to improve muscularity and strength, and not necessarily performance. This represents a public health concern with potentially serious medical and psychiatric consequences; yet many physicians report inadequate education about this subject.
$40.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Joynita Nicholson
Short Description:
In our modern 24/7 fast paced world, sleep is often neglected as a pillar of a healthy lifestyle and is instead esteemed as an indulgence or optional activity. It is the last thing we get to at the end of a busy day and the first thing we sacrifice when a lack of time demands it. One in three adults in America don’t get enough sleep and are often desensitized to its significance accepting it as a “norm.” Some have even worn it as a “badge of honor” in the medical community. This topic is important because we can no longer ignore the utmost importance of sleep and the ill effects of sleep deprivation that are linked to an increased risk of accidents, errors, injuries, poor work performance and productivity, strained relationships, adverse medical conditions, and early death.
$40.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Robert Jones, DO
Short Description:
Emerging infections are often new pathogens or variations of older pathogens and can cause new diseases. It is critical for physicians to understand the impact and importance for their patients and treatment options for these diseases.
$40.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Jason Browder, DO
Short Description:
Marijuana was legalized in Virginia in April 2021 for individuals over 21 years of age. With the legalization of marijuana, physicians will see a rise in patients asking about using cannabis as an alternate treatment for medical conditions such as pain, epilepsy, cancer, inflammation and many others. It is important for physicians to understand what marijuana is, the laws within their state, uses and side effects of cannabis so that they can make an informed decision regarding their prescribing of cannabis.
$40.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 including .5 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Corey Cavanaugh, DO
Short Description:
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common, yet under recognized problem in America. In the last 5 years, a number of studies have been published describing new therapies to combat CKD and lower the rate of end stage kidney disease. This presentation will cover these studies regarding SGLT2 inhibitors, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, and GLP-1 agonists to name a few. The goal is to provide practical and concise information, such that physician inertia in prescribing these therapies can be overcome.
$35.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.25 including 1.25 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Daniel Alexander, DO
Short Description:
Atrial fibrillation is the most common rhythm disorder worldwide affecting up to 25 million people. Significant morbidity and mortality are attributed to this disease process. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of atrial fibrillation, ability to manage stroke risk, recognizing approaches to rhythm and rate control, and the relationship between disease processes and atrial fibrillation remain relevant to the primary care physician. Newer understanding of the autonomic nervous system and its impact on atrial fibrillation may provide an opportunity for further research into osteopathic treatment modalities to aid in the treatment of atrial fibrillation.
$40.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Brian Dickens, DO
Short Description:
Patients now have more access than ever to information about their genetics which may impact their health. This creates both opportunity to improve health and potential to open ethical dilemmas. Attaining and maintaining basic competence in commercially-available genetics resources is important to helping advise our patients properly.
$40.00 - Base Price

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Conference On Demand

Total Credits: 18.25 including 18.25 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Brian Dickens, DO |  Richard Truxillo |  Corey Cavanaugh, DO |  Anthony S. Cottone, Esq. |  Joy Elliott |  Jason Browder, DO |  Joseph Secor-Taddia, DO |  Ian Phillip Snider, DO |  ....
$695.00 - Base Price

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