Angela Leek, CHP
Angela is the radiation control program director for the Iowa Department of Public Health where she is responsible for the licensing and inspection activities for all aspects of radiation producing machines and radioactive materials within Iowa. Angela is also responsible for coordinating dose assessment and providing technical advice throughout radiation emergency response, including coordination of dose monitoring and radiation protection recommendations for the responders and the public.
In addition to her responsibilities in Iowa, Angela is also active in supporting the development and implementation of the Radiological Operations Support Specialist (ROSS) program in coordination with the FEMA-CBRN Office and leads a CRCPD subcommittee working to develop continuing education content to support ROSS competency maintenance. She actively participates in national level exercises and develops training and presentations for various groups on both the ROSS and overall radiation emergency planning and response.
Angela currently serves on the Conference for Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Board of Directors as Chair-Elect and Council Chair for Suggested State Regulations (SSRs). She is Iowa’s governor-appointed state liaison officer to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is the voting member for Iowa on the Organization of Agreement States and maintains active memberships with organizations across all aspects of radiation protection including the Health Physics Society.
Angela has been involved in the radiation field for 25 years. She started in the medical field as a radiological technologist and transitioned to a health physics focus in 2006. Angela is a Certified Health Physicist, earned her Masters degree in Radiation Health Physics from Oregon State University and is currently working on her PhD at Iowa State University.