Cherly K Seymour, MD
MaineGeneral Medical Center
Bio: Cheryl K. Seymour, MD is a full-spectrum family physician practicing and teaching medicine in central Maine. After studying Biomedical Engineering at Duke University, she graduated from the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College in 2001. Dr. Seymour completed her family medicine residency at the Greater Lawrence Family Health Center in Lawrence, Massachusetts followed by a fellowship in geriatrics in Maine. She chose to continue living in Maine after fellowship, joining the faculty of the Maine-Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency in Augusta. Since 2004, Dr. Seymour has also worked as a staff clinician with the Maine Mobile Health Program, a state-wide mobile FQHC that serves exclusively migrant and seasonal farm-workers. She has served as the medical director of the MMHP for the past ten years. Dr. Seymour received the 2013 Physician Excellence Award from the Maine Primary Care Association for her work to identify and reduce health disparities in the farmworker community.
Faculty Disclosure: Dr. Seymour has no financial interest, arrangement or affiliation that could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the contact or subject of this presentation.