Dora Anne Mills, MD, MPH, FAAP
Raised in rural Maine and a graduate of Bowdoin College, UVM College of Medicine, and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles residency program, Dr. Mills practiced in a variety of places including Los Angeles and Tanzania before returning to provide primary care in her hometown. She was then tapped to lead public health for Maine for nearly 15 years, then for the University of New England, and now for MaineHealth, the state’s largest hospital-based healthcare system. As a board-certified pediatrician and public health leader in the most rural state in the nation with an increasing diverse population in its urban areas, her work has focused on addressing health issues across the spectrum – from tobacco to environmental health issues, pandemics (HIV, H1N1, and COVID), obesity, the opioid epidemic, maternal child health, and health disparities, to name a few. Her work has been widely recognized, including receiving ASTHO’s McCormack Award, the AMA’s Nathan Davis Award, American Academy of Pediatrics Special Achievement Award, and state awards, including the highest awards by the Maine Medical Association and Maine Public Health Association, as well as an honorary degree conferred by the University of Maine. On a personal note, she splits her time between Portland and her lake cottage in rural Maine, and enjoys a number of year round outdoor activities with her two young adult children as well as other family and friends.
Dora Anne Mills has no actual or potential conflict of interest, financial relationship/arrangement or affiliation with any entity producing, marketing, re-selling or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients.