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Kelly Faucette, MD

Kelly Faucette, MD

I am a Board Certified Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist who now works at Seattle Children's Hospital with inpatient Hematology and Oncology patients as well as with the Bone Marrow Transplant Patients.  I have worked at SCH for the last five years in this capacity. 

Before that I worked at Madigan Army Medical Center as a Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist and during the 16 years I was there I served as Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics for 5 years, while continuing to do some Heme/Onc.  I was chairman of the Ethics committee as well, and served on the Executive Board of Directors as well as on other committees.

I have been honored to be named the Teacher of the Year at Seattle Children’s Hospital in 2015, twice at Madigan and once at William Beaumont Army Medical Center where I worked before that.