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Kelly Murray, PharmD, BCACP


Kelly Murray, PharmD, BCACP, received her Doctorate of Pharmacy from the University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy in 2007. Her passion for ambulatory care pharmacy and medical education led her to OSU Center for Health Sciences, where she is currently a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine. She is also the Emergency Department Clinical Pharmacist at OSU Medical Center, helping with drug therapy recommendations for patients with a wide range of acuity levels. She is the pharmacist hub team member of OSU’s Mental Health, Pediatric Obesity, and Pediatric Emotional and Behavioral Health ECHO lines. She is also the Emergency Medicine residents’ Research Director and received her board certification in ambulatory care pharmacy in 2011.

Dr. Murry is a affiliated with Eli Lilly / National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases - researcher on a study involving monoclonal antibody bamlanivimab then bamlanivimab/etesevimab in nursing home patients.