Michael Broyles, RPH, PhD
Degrees and Doctorate from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy and University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
More than 30 years’ experience as a Hospital Pharmacy Director and Laboratory Director.
Chairman of pharmacy initiatives for one of the nation’s largest hospital network for two decades.
Engaged in pharmacy initiatives and antimicrobial stewardship consulting for 23 of 40 of the nation’s top integrated networks and consulting for hospitals from 25 to 1200 beds in size.
Consulting or advisory board functions for Thermo Fisher Scientific, Roche Diagnostics, bioMerieux, Fujirebio, Abbott Diagnostics, CareFusion, Alaris Medical, TheraDoc, and ICNet.
Partial project listing: Procalcitonin Antibiotic Guidance to improve infectious disease outcomes and reduce antibiotic exposure, TheraTrac 2, TheraDoc, Stellara, Coagulation, and Sepsis Management.
One of the first adopters of procalcitonin for management of antibiotic therapy in sepsis, LRTI and other infections in the United States. Dr. Broyles participated in the FDA approval process the for approved 1use of PCT in sepsis and lower respiratory tract infections. He recently served on the Global Expert Consensus Panel for the use of procalcitonin guidance to optimize it’s use in bacterial infections.