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Stefan Hagopian, DO, FAAO

Stefan Hagopian, DO, FAAO is a long time member of OPSC, as well as the AOA, AAO and OCA. He is presently Associate Professor in OMM (clinical and adjunct lecturing) at the Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine, a member of the AAO Board of Trustees, and for the past 3 years a California Delegate to the AOA House of Delegates. Teaching experience includes lecture and practical clinical teaching in many academic settings including continuing medical education programs over the past 30 years in the fields of anatomy, embryology, and clinical approaches to osteopathic practice, including a biodynamic approach to osteopathy in the cranial field.

Dr. Hagopian graduated from the University Of New England College Of Osteopathic Medicine in 1988, was board certified by the AAO in OMM/NMM in 1994, by the OCA in Cranial Osteopathy in 1997, and by the fellowship committee as FAAO in 2007 by the AAO. He currently practices in Santa Monica, California where he treats patients of all ages for a wide range of needs, with special emphasis on the treatment of infants and children for neurological conditions including the so-called autism spectrum of disorders, complications of surgeries, birth injuries, and other types of trauma.