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Taking the Stage for Cancer: The New Metabolic Approach

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
State Associations:
IOMA - Iowa
Chandramohan Batra, MD
Never Expires.


The presentation will highlight a new paradigm in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of recurrence of cancer.

Objectives for Taking the Stage for Cancer: The New Metabolic Approach:

1) To Describe risk factors for development of cancer.

2) Explain the importance of different body terrains in causation, prevention, and treatment of cancer.

3) Learn about roles of various herbs, nutraceuticals as adjuvant to effective cancer therapy.

4) Discuss Ketogenic diet to improve effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, reduce the side effects from these therapies and prevention of recurrences.


Dr. Batra does not have any financial disclosures.


The Iowa Osteopathic Medical Association is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association to provide osteopathic continuing medical education for physicians and designates this program for a maximum of .75 AOA Category 1-A credits and will report CME and specialty credits commensurate with the extent of the physician's participation in this activity.

Grievance Policy: IOMA strives to provide continuing medical education programs to fulfill the needs of the attendees and to meet the AOA Uniform Guidelines and AOA Accreditation Requirements. Comments, questions, or complaints should be put in writing and forwarded to IOMA Executive Director at or IOMA, 1415 28th Street, Suite 400, West Des Moines, IA 50266.



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Dr. Batra is a family physician working as a full-time faculty at mercy One family medicine residency program in Des Moines, Iowa for last 20 years. He is also a certified medical practitioner in Functional medicine. He is the Director of “integrative Medicine” curriculum in the residency. He is currently doing a fellowship in “Integrative Oncology”. He enjoys teaching holistic medicine to the medical students and residents. He believes that “lifestyle” medicine should be the foundational approach for all patients for prevention and effective management of all illnesses. He empowers his patents for self-management of their health issues by educating them, sharing resources and working with other providers in the community.
