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Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Karl Reisig, MD, CAQSM
Short Description:
Physicians and medical professionals will review the Epidemiology and clinical indicators of COVID-19 complications relevant to athletic participation and describe the current recommendations for evaluation and treatment of COVID-19 complications prior to athletic return to play. They will summarize the specific requirements prior to athletic participation for Montana high school and collegiate athletes
$30.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Deborah Hoffman, MD
Short Description:
This presentation will educate physicians and medical professionals on current home sleep testing indications and technology. Attendees will be able to discuss Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulator for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: how it works, who it's for, and Logan Health's workflow for evaluation, implant, and management. They will have the skills to be able to summarize Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy and review the literature.
$30.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Crystal Martin, DO
Short Description:
Physicians and medical professionals will review various etiologies of head and neck pain including primary headaches, headaches of musculoskeletal origin, and trauma. They will apply appropriate cranial and cervical osteopathic manipulation techniques (OMT) to patients when indicated and recognize situations when OMT is contraindicated. They will demonstrate safe and effective OMT to the head and neck using a variety of crania, direct, and indirect techniques. They will be more comfortable and adopt a holistic approach to the management of patients with head and neck problems that embodies caring for the whole person including mind, body, and spirit.
$30.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Albert Arias, MD
$40.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Stephanie Persondek, DO
Short Description:
Physicians and medical professionals will review complications of the disease process of obesity and review pertinent information about talking to your patients about obesity and counseling them on treatment. They will be able to summarize full scope treatment options and new advancements in the study of obesity.
$30.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Robert Hasty, DO, FACOI, FACP
Short Description:
Dr. Robert Hasty explores approaches to the hospitalzed patient.
$40.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: .75 including 0.75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Michael Terzella, DO
Short Description:
Dr. Terzella addresses how physicians can incorporate a patients' spirituality into patient care.
$35.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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William Elliott, M.D. Ph.D.
Short Description:
Physicians and medical professionals will review three (3) types of studies that show significant associated between diagonal earlobe creases and heart disease and name the most important confounder for this relationship and two (2) statistical methods to minimize it. They will discuss two (2) hypotheses that suggest a pathophysiological link between diagonal earlobe creases and coronary heart disease.
$30.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Anita Showalter, DO, MA, FACOOG (Dist)
Short Description:
Physicians and medical professionals will review the changes in health maintenance concerns through childhood, adolescence, reproductive years, and menopause and be able to list recommended screening tests and ages at which they are appropriate. Attendees will be able to describe how to incorporate structural screening exams to improve current and future health.
$30.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: 1

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Susan Zito
Short Description:
Susan L. Zito, DO, MPH, FACOI, FACR lectures on: Rheumatology Update *Review Normal Immunity and Autoimmunity *Discuss Coronavirus and it impact on Reactive Arthritis, RA, SpA *Understand updated guidelines and treatments for Psoriatic Arthritis, Behcet’s Disease, *Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, Osteoporosis, Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome &Fibromyalgia
$40.00 - Base Price

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