Kathy Vezina, RN, JD
Kathy Vezina joined the Maine Council on Aging (MCOA) in 2021 and
serves as the project lead for the Equity & Healthy Aging Initiative and content lead on
the Reducing Ageism in Healthcare Team. Kathy is a Registered Nurse, a Nurse
Practitioner (inactive), and a Maine attorney and has worked in leadership roles in a
leadership development organization, community behavioral health, reproductive
justice, and in private practice in a health law firm. She is a graduate of the University
of Maine School of Law and the University of California San Francisco in Nursing.
Earlier in her career, Kathy worked as an RN in several primary care practices and has
provided legal counsel for various primary care and behavioral health providers in
Kathy Vezina has no actual or potential conict of interest, nancial relationship/arrangement or aliation with any entity producing, marketing, re-selling or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients.